I hoped that the Graylings were out on Bleak Down by now and made the walk to their usual site on the Down.The area is one of the few remaining stretches of heathland on the Island and with the heather now in flower it makes a colourful sight.After some time of searching I at last found a Grayling. Obviously I was somewhat early to see the colony, so hopefully in another week numbers will have substantially increased.
2017 update. A visit to this site today the 5th August discovered no Graylings. The area of past activity has now been overgrown with grasses and although flowering heather still remains in places, there is no bare open ground.
2017 update. A visit to this site today the 5th August discovered no Graylings. The area of past activity has now been overgrown with grasses and although flowering heather still remains in places, there is no bare open ground.