A return visit to Bouldnor Forest this morning was rewarded with the sight of six White Admiral.Several were seen nectaring on bramble flowers and one individual was observed spending some time on a bridleway extracting salts.
Friday, 21 June 2024
Thursday, 20 June 2024
Summer Butterflies on the Wing.
Today's visit to Bouldnor Forest near Yarmouth was rewarded with sight of a male Silver-washed Fritillary and a White Admiral. Both individuals were flying around very vigorously and quickly disappeared into the woodland. Another first of the season sighting was a tally of five Marbled White. All of them were also very active.
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Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Butterflies in Hiding at Bouldnor.
Despite a bright and sunny afternoon the only butterflies to be seen in Bouldnor Forest today were several Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood. However the one exception was this Large Skipper that landed on a leaf right in front of me and seemed very happy to let me take its picture.
Monday, 26 June 2023
Summer Butterflies Put on an Impressive Show.
Today was a cooler day than of late and more in the way of cloud which limited the activity of our summer butterflies. A lunchtime visit to Bouldnor Forest was rewarded with a selection of butterflies and in particular White Admiral . When the sun came out several were observed nectaring on the bamble flowers and they were joined by the odd Silver-washed Fritillary. Among the new summer species on show in the forest rides were Ringlet,Small Skipper,and Gatekeeper.
Friday, 16 June 2023
White Admiral & Marbled White on the Wing.
Another very warm and sunny day and in Bouldnor Forest at Yarmouth I came across a first White Admiral of the year. Four sightings were made in all with one individual briefly seen nectaring on bramble flowers in the shade and later the other sightings in the sunshine. In addition three Marbled White were recorded,all feeding on the bountiful supply of bramble flowers.
Wednesday, 7 June 2023
Summer Butterflies Beginning to Appear.
The recent settled warm and sunny weather has spurred on the emergence of our summer butterflies. A very common but nevertheless welcome sight are the first Meadow Brown's.On the 4th June at Bouldnor there were a flurry of them with at least twenty plus recorded and today at the same location I came across at least two Large Skipper. Rather belatedly for me was also a first sight this season of the Dingy Skipper
Friday, 28 April 2023
A Slow Start to the Spring Emergence.
With the first appearance of the Green Hairstreak at Whiteway's on the 23rd of this month,I would have expected to see other spring species following very soon afterwards at this site. However to date the Green Hairstreak is still a lone occupant. As the weather is now it seems improving, I am hopeful that everything will quickly catch up.
With little new to see at Whiteway's today I visited Bouldnor Forest and all was quiet with just four species on show. Brimstone male's were evident along with this female resting on a bramble in the sun. Several Speckled Wood were recorded as well as a first Comma sighting of the year.
Thursday, 28 July 2022
Butterflies Out in Force.
Today in Bouldnor Forest the butterflies were numerous in the bright but sometimes cloudy weather. Now that the Yellow Fleabane is in flower it is a magnet for summer butterflies. Among the species enjoying the flowers were three Painted Lady, all in prime condition and therefore perhaps local emergents. In addition Silver-washed Fritillary now seem to be more evident although some showing signs of wear and tear. At least four males were recorded either nectaring on Thistle or Hemp-agrimony. In the more open forest areas I came across a couple of Wall Brown.
Tuesday, 14 June 2022
Summer Butterflies Now on the Wing.
A morning visit to Bouldnor Forest was rewarded with the sighting of three summer butterflies. We are enjoying a few days of warm sunny weather and the butterflies obviously responded. I quickly came across a White Admiral as it energetically fluttered in and out of the small trees and bushes at the side of the track. In all at least four individuals were recorded. It was also a thrill to see a first Silver-washed Fritillary of the year .The male was seen thrree times as he speedily flew along the ride. The visit was concluded with a single Marbled White.
Tuesday, 5 April 2022
Spring Butterflies Thin on the Ground.
Following a short cold snap,today's sunshine and mild temperature encouraged me to pay a second visit of the year to Bouldnor Forest. Immediately on entering the forest I was passed by a very fast flying male Brimstone but just a few yards farther on I came across this Speckled Wood butterfly. This is a first sighting of the season of this species for me and it obligingly settled on the side of the track for a few seconds. The only other butterfly encountered was a Comma, and it was not until I was returning that a rather tatty Red Admiral appeared on the track.This was followed by a second Speckled Wood fluttering around and landing in a sunny spot.
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Silver-washed Fritillary on the Wing at Yarmouth.
It was a first sight today of another summer butterfly. A male Silver-washed Fritillary was observed at Bouldnor Forest, as he picked himself a sunny position on an overhanging leaf. Another individual was seen later, this time a female, along with White Admiral, several Small Skippers and what seems to be an Essex Skipper (pictured below).
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
More Summer Butterflies on the Wing.
Despite cloudy conditions this afternoon, the warm weather encouraged the butterflies out and new species were to be seen in Bouldnor Forest. In particular, the Dark Green Fritillary was prominent with at least six individuals. These were seen mainly around a stand of Giant Thistles and also along a quiet woodland ride packed with flowering plants like clover. In addition Marbled White and Ringlet are now on the wing and in the company of White Admiral and Large Skipper.
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
First Summer Butterfly on the Wing.
In Bouldnor Forest today two first of the season butterflies were recorded. I enjoyed a brief glimpse of a White Admiral as it rested on the upper branches of a small tree before disappearing into the woodland. This was followed by sight of a Gatekeeper. Other species included a courting pair of Common Blue and mating Meadow Brown butterflies. The latter species is now building in numbers since my first sighting on the 12th June.
Thursday, 1 April 2021
A Walk in the Woods.
Although not as warm as the last few days, it was nevertheless a lovely early spring day and the butterflies responded to the sunshine at Bouldnor. I was disappointed not to see any new emergent butterflies but the hibernators were on show with numerous sightings of Peacock, five Comma, three Red Admiral, and two male Brimstone. One of the latter spent some time flitting from flower to flower enjoying the many primrose plants along the track.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
First Clouded Yellow of the Year.
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Summer Butterflies Now on the Wing.