Following a cloudy start to the day ,this afternoon was sunny and warmer with a brisk breeze. And the butterflies responded with another new spring species at Whiteway's. The single Green Hairstreak has now been joined by another of the same and that can be confirmed by the different underside markings,as seen below. The other new arrival today was this Grizzled Skipper shown in the following photo.
Saturday, 29 April 2023
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
Back to the Landslip.
The area of Landslip close to Compton Chine and just a stone's throw from Freahwater Bay, provided my first visit of the season to this unique habitat in the hope of seeing an early Glanville Fritillary.Unfortunately. just a few day's too early it seems as the only species recorded were Green Hairstreak,several Dingy and Grizzled Skipper,a Wall Brown,a Small Copper,and a first sighting this year of a Small Heath. Weather conditions were mild with little wind although mainly cloudy but bright and thrift is now startting to flower on the cliffs.
Returning to Whiteways NT carpark situated overlooking Compton Chine and where I started my visit today,I came across a pristine Brown Argus.Another first of the season sighting.
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Small Blue on the Wing at Freshwater.
The sighting of a Small Blue today at Whiteways is the earliest record here since the outstanding sighting of two males on the 30th March 2012. As seen in the photograph below, today's individual is rather tatty which seems to indicate that it has been around for a while. Also on show were three Green Hairstreak and two Grizzled Skipper.
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
First Green Hairstreak & Grizzled Skipper at Freshwater.
A well known site for first of the season sightings is Whiteways Quarry,now a National Trust carpark at the foot of Afton Down close to Freshwater Bay. As explained many times in this blog the grassy area at the back of the carpark has a interesting number of species especially in the spring.
Today's visit produced a first Green Hairstreak of the year. It was seen on the flowering Spanish Bluebells,just like the individual in the photograph below. Unfortunately I only sighted it on two brief occasions and it failed to return again ,probably due to the cloudy conditions. Also present were possibly two Grizzled Skippers. Another first for this season
Sunday, 18 April 2021
Another Spring Species.
Now that we are enjoying a period of settled sunny weather following the cold of early April, spring is now catching up with the new emerging butterfly species. Green Hairstreak numbers have today increased to three at the site I have visited during the last few days and now at least two Grizzled Skippers are present.
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Out and About At Last.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Spring is Well Under Way.
Friday, 4 May 2018
Grizzled Skipper Takes a Bow.
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Green Hairstreaks Take The Stage.

Saturday, 17 June 2017
Butterflies Out in the Hot & Sunny Weather

Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Cold Wind Slows Down the Butterflies.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Small Copper Another First of the Season.
Meanwhile the Berberis in my garden is still attracting the butterflies with a Holly Blue feeding on some of the remaining blooms.