Showing posts with label Green Hairstreaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Hairstreaks. Show all posts

Thursday 15 April 2021

Back for Another Look.

There was no increase in butterfly numbers when I returned to the site visited yesterday. Just one Green Hairstreak and a Small Copper. Green Hairstreak should  become more numerous during the next week and we can look forward to other spring species appearing at this location.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

A First Sight of the Spring Emergents.

The warm weather of early April gave way to a very cold north to north-east wind  resulting in low temperatures for the last week  or so and consequently hardly any butterfly activity. However with  some sunshine and lighter winds today I was pleased to see two spring emergent species in the West Wight. A first Green Hairstreak of the season and likewise a Small Copper. Both enjoying the warm sunshine in the sheltered spot they had chosen.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Out and About At Last.

Following seven weeks of lockdown it was great to get out and enjoy nature.Today's first visit of the year to Bouldnor Forest at Yarmouth was rewarded with a Glanville Fritillary nectaring on bird's-foot trefoil. Other species encountered along the forest rides were Wall Brown,Green Hairstreak,Grizzled Skipper,Small Heath,and Speckled Wood.All were recorded as my first of the season.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Butterflies Back on the Landslip.

Despite the cool wind that has blown for a few days now the butterflies on our landslip have found those sheltered places where they can enjoy the sun and nectar on the abundance of spring flowers.Today the list of sightings at Compton Chine included at least ten Glanville Fritillaries with a mating pair,three male Common Blue, four Green Hairstreaks,a Dingy Skipper, a Small Copper,and two Small Heath.
Back at Afton Down Chalk pit which overlooks the chine there were several Small Blue.

Monday 22 April 2019

Dingy Skipper on Display.

A late morning visit to Whiteways today discovered a first Dingy Skipper of the season.Green Hairstreaks were again active and numerous.
The somewhat lack of a natural green background in the photo of the Dingy Skipper was unfortunately due to the illegal practice of Fly-tipping.Someone had scattered a quantity of smashed wooden pallets at the rear of the car park not only creating an eyesore but also a hazard to anyone walking through the grass as nails were protruding from many pieces of wood.

Friday 19 April 2019

Butterflies Respond to the Warm Spring Weather.

The cold weather brought on by a persistent and brisk easterly wind last week has now gone and we are now enjoying sunny and warm days with temperatures in excess of 20 degrees Celsius.The butterflies are beginning to respond with regular sightings of Orange Tip and a big increase in Green Hairstreak at a favourite site at the base of Afton Down in the West Wight.A lunchtime visit to Whiteways today produced a count of six to eight individuals.Unfortunately no other new species were as yet on display.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Spring is Well Under Way.

Following yesterdays sighting of a Green Hairstreak at Whiteways,I was hopeful that another new springtime butterfly may be on display today.It had again developed into a warm and sunny afternoon after a chilly start and it was not long before I came across a Grizzled Skipper enjoying the sun.It seems that with the promise of dry and bright weather for the next few days spring is now well under way.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Green Hairstreak First to Appear.

A cold morning preceded a warm and sunny afternoon, and it was the Green Hairstreak that appeared as the first resident new emergent today at Whiteways (Afton Down Chalkpit).Their numbers will steadily increase over the next week or two and they will be joined by a host of other spring species.

Friday 4 May 2018

Grizzled Skipper Takes a Bow.

Following a brief glimpse of a Grizzled Skipper at Afton Down yesterday in the late afternoon,I made an earlier visit to Whiteways this morning.My luck was in as it appeared straight away catching the rays in a sunny spot.Green Hairstreaks were again prominent and a Small Copper too.   

Wednesday 2 May 2018

A First Small Copper of the Year.

Another butterfly species joined the growing number of Green Hairstreaks at Whiteways today.After a morning of torrential rain and strong winds the sun appeared just after midday and despite a stiff breeze it developed into a warm and bright afternoon.Just what this new arrival needed.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Cold Wind Slows Down the Butterflies.

Temperatures have plummeted in the last day or so but at Whiteways the butterflies have kept active.The unique position of the site has allowed the butterflies to make the most of the warm sunshine and  the effect of the cold northerly wind is kept to a minimum.The Grizzled Skipper was prominent with at least two seen,along with four Small Blue and six Green Hairstreak.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Small Copper Another First of the Season.

Butterfly sightings and activity have slowed down over the last week or so, probably due to the cool weather.However the sun is still shining and in sheltered spots in can feel pleasant.At Whiteways Quarry today a Small Copper made an appearance,my first sight of this species in 2017,along with that elusive Grizzled Skipper.In addition there are up to three Green Hairstreaks busily flying around defending their territories.
Meanwhile the Berberis in my garden is still attracting the butterflies with a Holly Blue feeding on some of the remaining blooms.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Cooler Temperatures Slow Down the Spring Butterflies.

Although the weather has been dry and mainly sunny since the unseasonably warm temperatures of last weekend,a nagging cold wind has seemed to postpone the emergence of new spring butterflies here along the coast.This is so at Whiteways Quarry where no new species have been seen on the wing.However today the two Green Hairstreaks at the site were enjoying the Bluebells and the elusive Grizzled Skipper still puts in an occasional appearance.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

First Grizzled Skipper.

As anticipated the first Grizzled Skipper made an appearance at Whiteways Quarry today and the Green Hairstreaks seem to have doubled their number to two.With the mainly dry weather forecast to continue for the rest of the week we can look forward to six  further species emerging at this site.

Monday 10 April 2017

First Green Hairstreak.

With the very warm temperatures of the last few days I would have expected the first  new spring butterflies to appear sooner at Whiteways Quarry(Afton Down Chalkpit).However it was not until today that a Green Hairstreak was seen and I expect that it will now be closely followed  by this unique sites other gems.


Sunday 1 May 2016

Spring Gets Going.

Today the first adult Glanville Fritillary was seen here on the Isle of Wight at Wheelers Bay.Seemingly an early date for the first emergence as the weather has not been kind
I had confined myself to yet another visit to Whiteways in the hope of seeing the Dingy Skipper.Alas no luck,but a count of 3 Green Hairstreak including a mating pair,a Small Copper plus two male Small Blue having a aerial duel was an encouraging total.