Thursday 5 September 2013

Clouded Yellows at Wheelers Bay.

The sun continues to shine and the Clouded Yellows are becoming common here at Wheelers Bay and at other locations.Along the base of the cliff at the Bay you may be fortunate enough to see the females flitting from plant to plant laying their eggs and males racing around nectaring on the red valerin which is still flowering profusely.

Second Generation Adonis on Bonchurch Down.

Now on Bonchurch Down at Ventnor the Adonis Blue can be counted in hundreds as the second generation of 2013 is on the wing.With the hot summer continuing for at least the next day or two it is well worth a trip to see the bright blue males all over the Down.Even the brown females are splendid in their dusting of blue scales.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Drifts of Fleabane.

Maybe due to the prolonged summer weather we have enjoyed over the last two months,the drifts of fleabane are extensive in our local hedgerows and woods.This has continued to attract the summer butterflies in good numbers.
Yesterday at Walters Copse,Newtown  it seemed most of the high summer butterflies were on show and sightings of the Clouded Yellow have certainly increased.The Large and Small White continues to be prolific and in the copse I was treated to a male Chalk-hill Blue that had no doubt wandered from the Downs.

Saturday 24 August 2013

A Small Diversion

Although I have never taken an interest in moths there are sometimes occasions when a sighting will change that.Today in my garden I saw on the Hemp-agrimony, three Jersey Tiger moths enjoying its nectar.It is something on the Island to see this moth and three at one time is a treat.The underwing is normally red in colour but there are yellow underwings and rarely black.I was lucky enough to see the normal red and a yellow form.

Sunday 11 August 2013

More Summer Sweetness for Butterflies

The warm summer weather continues and now that the fleabane is in flower there are plenty of butterflies enjoying it's nectar.Around Walters Copse on the Island I came across numerous pristine Peacock on the plant as well as Brimstone,Painted Lady,Small Copper,Common Blue,Brown Argus,Whites,Silver-washed Fritillary, Meadow Brown,,and a Clouded Yellow.

Friday 9 August 2013

More Painted Ladies at Wheelers Bay

With  buddleia bushes now in full bloom at Wheelers Bay,it is attracting many butterflies to feed on the nectar rich flowers.Today on a sunny but breezy afternoon several Painted Ladies could be seen  on the bushes as well as a selection of Red Admirals,Small Tortoiseshells,Commas,and White butterflies.Maybe a Monarch will show up soon,swept in by a south-westerly wind.

Monday 5 August 2013

Summer Sweetness for Butterflies.

In the copse and hedgerows the fleabane is now in flower.It is a great favourite with many butterflies as they flock to drink its nectar

Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Bleak Down Graylings.

Today's visit to Bleak Down close to the village of Godshill  was to see the Grayling. This butterfly is a good example of 'cryptic camouflage', as when at rest on the ground the underside blends perfectly with the background.The Grayling lives in rather compact colonies and a walk across a section of the Down will throw up these fast flying butterflies.The female is larger than the male and more brightly marked.Taking a close look in the heather or grass one can find the female carefully laying one egg at a time on a blade of grass or on a heather flower stalk.


Sunday 21 July 2013

On the Lookout for Valezina in Walters Copse.

I have to go back to the 1970's to recall my last sight of the valezina form of the Silver-washed Fritillary.This rather beautiful form is found mainly in central and southern England and occurs in up to 15% of the females.There was no shortage of the usual coloured Silver-washed Fritillaries in Walters Copse today together with plenty of White Admirals.Making my way to where I understand the valezina has been sighted in the Copse recently I came across an individual high up on a bramble bush.After observing it for some time nectaring on the flowers it suddenly flew off pursued by a male.Somewhat farther on and in a sunny spot of oak trees fronted by brambles I was treated to a mating pair of Silver-washed not too high up in the tree.I was very pleased to see that the female was a valezina.They remained locked together on an oak leaf and to my amazement another valezina appeared close by and started to enjoy the bramble flowers.Two in one day,a very lucky day.

Thursday 18 July 2013

A Hot Afternoon in Firestone Copse.

On a hot afternoon the partial shade of the woodland glades in Firestone Copse was welcome today.Almost immediately along the first track,I was passed by a string of Silver-washed Fritillaries and one of my encounters here was with a female Silver-washed looking for a shady spot to lay her eggs.They tend to choose the base of a tree trunk and this one fluttered into the dark to lay on several trees.This was mixed with feeding on convenient bramble flowers and resting in the dappled sunlight
White Admirals were also plentiful and found particularly on bramble flowers and any damp spot on the ground where they could obtain moisture.Meadows Browns and Ringlets were very numerous.


Tuesday 16 July 2013

Chalk-hill Blues Out and About.

After several visits to West High Down to see the first Chalk-hill Blues today I sighted three fresh males on the bridleway to the Down.I could find none on the Down as yet but I am sure in a few days many will be flying all over it.Dark Green Fritillaries are showing very well now in this prolonged spell of hot sunny weather.

Monday 15 July 2013

The Silver-washed Fritillary in Walters Copse.

At Walters Copse,Newtown,the Silver-washed Fritillary is now enjoying the hot summer weather and can be seen all over the wood.Together with the White Admiral they visit bramble flowers along the dappled woodland rides.The Silver-washed is a powerful flier and can disappear as quickly as it appears heading off at great speed through the trees.However sometimes they can be captured,as in the following photos,firstly a courting couple on bramble and secondly a mating pair in the tree tops.