Thursday 20 June 2024

Summer Butterflies on the Wing.

Today's visit to Bouldnor Forest near Yarmouth was rewarded with sight of a male Silver-washed Fritillary and a White Admiral. Both individuals were flying around very vigorously and quickly disappeared into the woodland. Another first of the season sighting was a tally of five Marbled White. All of them were also very active.

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Wednesday 12 June 2024

Butterflies in Hiding at Bouldnor.

Despite a bright and sunny afternoon the only butterflies to be seen in Bouldnor Forest today were several Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood. However the one exception was this Large Skipper that landed on a leaf right in front of me and seemed very happy to let me take its picture.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Glanvilles on the Landslip.

Following a couple of visits to the landslip near to Compton Chine  over the last two weeks that drew a blank,today in warm,sunny,and breezy weather the Glanvilles were out in small numbers. Also to show  were Common Blue,Dingy Skipper,and Small Heath. The  National Trust carpark at the foot of Afton Down produced two more Glanville Fritillaries in addition to several Small Blue and two further Common Blue.


Thursday 16 May 2024

Three in a Row.

For the third day in a row I have been fortunate enough to encounter a Painted Lady. Today this individual pictured below visited the flowering pyracantha  in my front garden. This species is particularly fond of the pyracantha flowers as it is not the first Painted Lady I have observed on these flowers over the years.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

A Painted Lady Visits My Garden.

Very pleased to see a Painted Lady this afternoon in my garden at Freshwater. It was feverishly nectaring on some Camassia flowers and then on a Cosmos flower.Both plants were still in their pots awaiting planting out. The date is one of the earliest that I have recorded this species and perhaps it will be one of those bumper years for the Painted Lady here in the UK.

Update on this post.Today the 15th May I observed a Painted Lady at the Afton Down carpark near to    Freshwater Bay at 10am. The individual was energetically feeding on the flowers before flying on.

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Saturday 11 May 2024

The Small Blues at Freshwater.

Spring butterfly species at Whiteways carpark located just up the road from Freshwater Bay have been limited so far this year. Apart from several Green Hairstreak the only other species I saw today was a male Common Blue which was very active and elusive. However,thanks to help from A.N.Other I saw a first Small Blue of the season and once you see one others soon appear.In fact at least four Small Blue were recorded,all flying about at high speed.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Green Hairstreaks Out in Numbers.

 The first Green Hairstreak of the year was seen on the 14th April at the National Trust carpark at the foot of Afton Down close to Freshwater Bay. Another visit to the site today counted at least six Green Hairstreaks,all feverishly flying about. However no other species were recorded here as yet.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Very Active Green Hairstreaks.

With the first Green Hairstreak recorded at the National Trust Carpark at  the foot of  Afton Down on the 14th,the weather turned for the worse with cool temperatures and a very brisk wind. However today the wind abated and that allowed for a very pleasant and warmer spring day with plenty of sunshine. The butterflies responded and at least two Green Hairstreak were seen at the carpark.


Sunday 14 April 2024

A First Green Hairstreak of the Year.

Several visits have been made to the National Trust Car Park at the foot of Afton Down over the last few days. Today around noon  the first Green Hairstreak was observed flying energetically  over a large spread of Bluebells and  briefly landing on the flowers.It then flew off and could not be located again. However I am sure that it will soon be joined by other individuals.

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Monday 1 April 2024

A Garden Speckled Wood.

Following a night of constant rain,this morning was dry,bright, and mainly sunny.Around lunchtime a first of the season Speckled Wood was seen flying about in search of a sunny spot.It decided to land on a bamboo leaf close to my pond where it stayed to enjoy the warmth.

Monday 18 March 2024

First Butterfly Sighting of the Year.

It is always good to see the first butterfly of the season and today in my garden a Peacock  was noted fluttering around a large terracotta pot. It quickly settled on a stepping stone  to allow a hurried snap and then flew off over the hedge.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Highlights of 2023.

Two highlights stand out during the 2023 season. One of them is the return of the Long-tailed Blue to my garden.I have had several visits of this species in the past attracted by the Everlasting Pea plants that grow in the borders.These visits have been during the latter part of August,but this year a female turned up on the 27th June.She stayed for a while and egg laided on various  flower buds.Although I was not fortunate enough to witness the any offspring ,I am confident that homegrown Long-tailed Blues ensued.

The other is a holiday in the Greek Islands,the first visit I have made since the pandemic.We spent a very pleasant fortnight on the island of Rhodes,close to the coast at Kiotari. A few weeks later this area was ravaged by wildfires and the brown and greens of the countryside were turned black.The result of the fires at the spot of our accomodation can be seen in the photo below taken from drone footage.I am glad to say that the villa where we stayed looks as though it survived the fires.

Among the butterflies encountered around the village of Kiotari were The Aegean Meadow Brown,the Pygmy Skipper,together with the Small and Lulworth Skipper. A great delight was the visit a Two-tailed Pasha on several occasions to nectar from a can of Mythos lager.

Saturday 12 August 2023

A Day Moth & a Night Moth.

I am not into moths but today this Garden Tiger Moth was seen resting at the base of my garage wall. It is such a handsome creature that it deserves a post on this blog. It is of course a night flying moth unlike the other photo which shows a Jersey Tiger Moth feeding on Hemp-agrimony. This species of Day flying moth is quite common here in July and August.