Saturday 8 October 2011

Duke of Burgundy Fritillary

This small but beautiful fritillary was once found on the Isle of Wight.Sadly it has now not been seen for several years.So not to be denied a look at this butterfly we took a trip to Butser Hill,in Hampshire to visit a site well known for this species.The month of May is a good time to see it and after some time searching the lower slopes of the Hill  we were  rewarded with views of this  fritillary.

Dark Green Fritillary

The Dark Green Fritillary can be an impressive sight on the Downs of the Isle of Wight from July onwards.They love to feed on the Giant Thistles in particular and are very strong flyers as they go from one  flower to another..This butterfly was spotted on West High Down  during the first week of July and had very recently emerged.

Friday 7 October 2011

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary

The only known site for the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Butterfly on the Isle of Wight is on Ningwood Common and was visited by our Butterfly Conservation local group on a  wet and damp day in June.Only this one specimen was to be seen in the rain as it stuck to its perch and allowed us to take its picture.