Saturday 8 July 2017

Good Season for Silver-washed.

It seems to be an excellent season for the Silver-washed Fritillary. Good numbers are to be seen in our woodlands and if lucky the odd female Valezina form could turn up.It is estimated that one in seven females have this attractive appearance.


Tuesday 27 June 2017

Summer Butterflies Enjoy the Bumper Bramble Bounty.

There were a prolific number of butterflies at Walters Copse today.The most impressive were the Silver-washed Fritillaries and the White Admirals.These and many other species were busily feeding on the bramble flowers that seem to be abundant in the copse this year.Although male and female Silver-washed were on show I was not lucky enough to see the female Valezina. In the south of England it is estimated that up to 15% of the females are of this beautiful form.